The Blog

Understanding and Healing Trauma

Do you feel as if you are fighting a constant battle? Trying to forget, forgive, and heal? Yet you take one step forward to find yourself drained in every capacity of your life. Trauma isn’t limited and has many faces.


What is Holiday Blues?

Temporary feelings of depression and sadness during the holiday season. It’s often associated with unrealistic expectations, memories, or extra stress associated with the season. My Life and Holiday Blues  In October 2019, I realized various triggers and abnormalities. It was


Reiki & Prayer Saved My Life

How does one process the loss of a loved one? How do you move forward in what is now a hollow space? What healing modalities and resources are available to aid with grief? The first day of the New Year


My Love for Essential Oils

It’s no secret I love all things natural. So, when I decided to move forward with the business, I knew we would use essential oils in our products. The benefits of essential oils align with the mission of Naturally Relaxed.


Who is the Soap Slayer?

Well, many of you may not have a clue about the brown, magical, 5ft 8in Goddess over at Naturally Relaxed, LLC. Many may not know about Naturally Relaxed. I am transparent and here to share with you some of my